Sunday 29 November 2015

How To Handle Stressful Relationships And Friendships?

Hi frnds..After a very long time,I am here to post a very important topic yet many of us never focus on this topic.

   Life is all about relationships.When we had no one for us,we often feel life is so miserable.Is it so? Ok,may be or may not be. Because though many of us love to have company of frnds or family,few of us may like to stay alone.

    But if we love to stay with friends or family very often,we need to pose a question to ourselves. Are we really happy with their company or are we trying to be happy.It may be a bit confusing yet its necessary to answer. Many of us tries to be happy rather than being happy with certain frndships and relationships. Though we ignore it from time to time, it is true that such relationships effects us a lot.

   Give your love and care unconditionally to such people without expectations.Do whatever you can to make them happy. Try your best and be honest in your trials to carry on such relationships to the peak of happiness.But,there will be few people inspite of your purity,honesty,love,care and support, never understands you and are happy to hurt you.What can you do with this people? How these people are effecting your life? Are you stressed and worried because of such people? Answer these questions before you proceed to next para.

   If you get negative answers for these questions,then its time for you to leave such people permanently, even though you love them very much.Because it makes your life and their life too much easier and more happier.Try as much as you can and then give them the reasons for your decision and move on.This is the only way you had finally to make yourselves happy because you are very precious and so loveable.Keep smiling..Get on to the peak of happiness..