Saturday 24 May 2014


  To lead a great life, living a life with values is must. Identify your values. Know what u value the most in your life. Whether its personal or professional life, identifying values is must. If you observe life of any great leader,you can identify one thing in common i.e. they led their life with values.For instance, Great people like Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela etc lived their life with their identified values.

   Your values should run your life. If you identify your values, your life becomes more happy and successful. Every human being must have three categories of values:

1. Personal Values: It reflects your actions in your personal life. Values such as being confident, valuing human relations, sincerity, honesty etc.
2. Professional Values: Giving your best to any work you do, Completing work in time, Punctuality etc comes under this category.
3. Societal Values: Humanity, serving people, helping others etc

   However all these 3 categories overlaps with one another and are interdependent. When you have higher values in your personal life, only then you will follow your professional and societal values. Living a life with values gives enormous satisfaction and rises your spirit to higher levels. Identify your values and lead a peaceful life..

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