Friday 31 January 2014


   Procrastination is the greatest enemy for success. Postponing the work of ur schedule also postpones ur success. Do it now must be ur slogan, if u expect success. Procrastination kills ur opportunities. Stress and tension are the followers of procrastination. Completing work on time gives u strength ans boosts ur confidence. Its true that u can't procrastinate any work for lifetime. U must do it one day or another. But,doing work on time shows ur confidence, efficiency, willingness and determination. Work lacks quality when u procrastinate something till the deadline. Tips to overcome procrastination:

1. Prepare a schedule for any work u do.

2. Prioritise the tasks  of ur schedule.

3. Make a list of reasons which makes u to procrastinate. This helps u to overcome the cause.

4. Identify the time killers such as social networking sites, chatting, watching idiot box etc. If u can't avoid them, just specify time for them.

5. Motivate to do the work.

6. Celebrate when u complete a work without procrastination.

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