Sunday 2 February 2014


   Success is very easy to achieve, if we overcome these obstacles. In the path of success,we face many thrones. We must develop ability of transforming those thrones into flowers. Avoid obstacles and achieve your dreams. The obstacles are many,but most common obstacles are:

1. No Goal Setting: Having no goal means no success and no life. This makes a life unsuccessful. Everyone must set short and long term goals. By identifying your short and long term goals, you can prioritise your actions and create a path which aids you in achieving your goal.

2. No Burning Desire: Burning desire is essential for any person whereas fuel is essential for a rocket to launch. Burning desire is nothing but thinking about your goal each and every second. You may be either conscious or unconscious, your subconscious mind should focus only on your goal.

3. Lack of Time Management: Managing time is an art which is known to every successful person. This is the key element for success. Have a daily schedule and weekly and monthly to-do list. This kills time waste tasks.

4. Lack of  Good Friends: Have a circle who are on the same boat (having same goals). Friends are of many types. Choose them with utmost care. Have friends who motivates and understands you. Avoid time killers who occupies your time. Though this is painful and tough, its essential for you to reach your destiny.

5. Over-Confidence and  No Confidence: Both are equally dangerous. Low level of confidence takes you no where and makes everything impossible. Whereas over-confidence has the power to throw a person from the peak to the feet of the mountain. It makes you to feel everything possible but makes you acquire nothing. Delete these two qualities at once from you qualities and make sure u deserve success.

6. Decision-Making: Taking a right decision at a right time reserves u success.

7. Short cuts: Success doesn't have any shortcuts. It takes certain time and process. Never addict to the short cut methods of success. It harms u in the long term, though rewards u in short term.

8. Discipline: Another factor which is tough to develop, but necessary. Observe the life of any great person, the prime reason for their success will be their way of living i.e.order of life. Do any work, but do it only with discipline and order.

9.  Neglecting Health: We should never neglect our health. Nutritious diet, exercise,meditation, yoga etc. keeps you healthy. Remember the old saying "Health is  Wealth".

10. Failure-Everything over: This attitude highly disappoints you. Failure is necessary to reach greater heights in life. Failure teaches us many things. It develops our true character. Never disappoint for a failure. Motivate urself and just move on. Success is waiting for you.

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